josepepe en Quito, Ecuador

sábado, octubre 19, 2019

Guagua Pichincha


Partimos 2 ciclistas desde La Ecuatoriana, al sur de Quito. Subimos al Cinto y bajamos a Lloa de donde tomamos la ruta hacia el volcán. Pasado el primer kilómetro se incluyó un tercer ciclista.
La trepada de poco más de 14 kilómetros desde Lloa es durísima. Tan empinada que cuesta mucho mantenerse en la bicicleta. Con el cansancio y la altitud terminamos empujando la bici. 
El paisaje es un verdadero espectáculo: pasamos por haciendas ganaderas, sementeras de quinua y papa y luego un gran páramo con Chuquirahua en abundancia. El ave de la zona: el curiquingue.
Finalmente, luego de mucho esfuerzo llegamos al refugio del Guagua. Un pequeño descanso y ascendimos caminando los pocos metros que faltan para el cráter, las bicis las dejamos en el refugio.
Arriba, nuevamente paisajes que quitan el aliento.
El tiempo cambió rápidamente y comenzó a hacer un viento helado y con humedad.
Ya en el refugio cayó algo de nieve con viento. Iniciamos el descenso, con alternancias de lluvia. Bajada muy rápida y con mucho frío.
En Lloa nuevamente comenzó a llover pero esta vez muy fuerte. Nos refugiamos en un restaurante a almorzar.
No paró de llover. Contratamos una camioneta para que nos regrese a nuestro punto de origen: La Ecuatoriana. Con esto nos ahorramos la subida a El Cinto y la bajada hasta el sur de Quito.
Una gran experiencia que nos dejó muy contentos.
Y adicionalmente, sirvió de entrenamiento.


En El Cinto


Primeras subidas

Se incluye el 3er ciclista

En el Refugio del Guagua Pichincha

En el cráter del Guagua Pichincha

Ruta y altimetría

miércoles, octubre 09, 2019

Mandamientos del "Mountain Biking"

   From friends over at, a list of the Top 25 Mountain Biking 'Commandments.'  
  1. Pay It Forward – Tubes, quick-links, a helping hand. You’ll need it one day too.
  2. You brought it out…you bring it home – No one likes a litterbug. Keep the trail clean.
  3. Know your role – Fast climber? Get up front. Slow descender? Get in the back.
  4. Bike worth does not equal biking ability – Everyone loves the latest and greatest…but it doesn’t increase skill.
  5. Be Self Sufficient – Always bring what you need…and sometimes more.
  6. Know Basic Bike Maintenance – Be able to fix your own flat…
  7. Treat Other Riders Like You Would Want To Be Treated – No one likes a jackass.
  8. It’s Only A Race If The Other Participants Know They Are Participating – You didn’t beat your friend on the climb if you are the only one that knew it was a race.
  9. If A Rider Catches You…It Doesn’t Mean They Want You To Ride Faster – Move to the side and let the rider by. Also see #3.
  10. Music While Riding Is Great…Unless You Are Oblivious – If you are going to wear earphones while riding, check around you constantly for other riders.
  11. Know Your Abilities – Don’t get too far over your head.
  12. Just Because You Can’t Ride It…Doesn’t Mean Others Can’t – Mountain biking should be a progression. Not all trails can be wide and groomed.
  13. You Have Zero Room To Bitch If You Didn’t Work On The Trail – Try not to be a backseat driver to trail work.
  14. There Is No Cure For UGI – Upgradeitis is a serious disease for which there is no cure.
  15. Beware Of Rider Recommendations – The best bike for a friend may not be the best bike for you. Everyone thinks they are on the best mountain bike on the market.
  16. Don’t Be “That Guy” – You know the one…the guy that brags about his time on local loops and doesn’t ride anywhere else. Enjoy your ride…it isn’t a contest.
  17. In Shape Does Not Equal Technical Ability – You are in shape…awesome…but that does not make you a better rider. It just makes you able to ride longer.
  18. Riding Keeps You Young – Yes…that guy that is twice your age will still drop you.
  19. No One Looks Good In Lycra…Especially Mountain Bikers – Bring a change of clothes… lycra is not “going out” wear.
  20. Mexican Food Is The Perfect After Ride Meal – Don’t know why…it just is.
  21. Diversity Is A Good Thing – Different bikes, different styles, different personalities. It would be dreadfully boring if we were all the same.
  22. Any Holiday Is An Excuse To Ride – Why are we riding today? Because today ends in a y.
  23. Support Those That Support You – Support your local IMBA and local advocacy chapters. They do more than just work on trails.
  24. Online Superstars Type More Than Ride – Time worrying about online arguments is time you could spend on the bike.
  25. Riding Is The Best Therapy – Self explanatory…